Removing a Tumor from Start to Finish

Big Tumor Little Dog Poodle-Like Dog came in because the gigantic cutaneous mass on his back started to bleed.  According to Mr. Owner the mass has been there “for years.”   “He started scratching at it,” Mr. O said.  “He hasn’t eaten yet.  Can you do the surgery today?” Mr. O asked. “Sure.  Let’s do it,” … Read more

Co-op Boards are Interviewing Dogs

So Your Dog Can Roll Over. Can It Pass a Co-op Board Interview? Blowouts and bowties, Xanax and Zoloft. New York’s co-op buyers and their dogs are jumping through all sorts of hoops to precious approval. From Wall Street Journal By  Katherine Clarke BIOGRAPHY @KATHYCLARKENYC [email protected] Dec. 5, 2019 10:18 am ET When retired couple … Read more