Owner Resources
The internet is a great place. Some sites are good…others not so much. Here are some trusted and helpful links.

San Diego Humane Society Includes Links to PAWS and Project Wildlife https://www.sdhumane.org/ They now control licensing for your pets in addition to many services and very helpful links including financial assistance. One of the best resources for all kinds of help for all kinds of pets.
Pet Health Network http://www.pethealthnetwork.com/ This was created by Idexx who does our lab test processing. Has many articles and solid information about pet health and diseases.
VetSource http://friarsroadpethospital.vetsourceweb.com/site/view/HomeDelivery.pml our trusted and preferred home delivery site for food, supplies and medications: OTC and prescription.
Trupanion https://trupanion.com/en/ec/ppc/best-care-b/ Straight forward pet insurance that doesn’t have the age caps other providers often have. No sign up fees or waiting period if you join within 24 hours of your veterinary visit! Go onsite or call 855-355-6243 for a quote.
CareCredit https://www.carecredit.com/ A line of credit you can use for pet or human medical care, medicines, or prescriptions. They cover dental expenses, too! For pet care at Friars Road Pet Hospital you get deferred interest financing for 6 mos. (no interest charge if you pay in full by the end of 6 mos.) for invoices of $200.00 or more. Contact them for additional information online or call 800-365-8295.
Hills Pet Nutrition https://www.hillspet.com/ Information about the main prescription diets we recommend and their many OTC food and treats options, plus other pet care tips. Purina and Royal Canin also carry trusted prescription diets.
Medical Waste-Used syringe disposal https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/ep/hazardous/needles-sharps
Medical Waste-Expired Medicines https://www.sandiego.gov/police/news/flash/prescriptiondropoff
How to Pill/Medicate a Cat http://www.pethealthnetwork.com/cat-health/cat-checkups-preventive-care/how-give-your-cat-a-pill This is from the Idexx site. One of the most thorough I’ve seen!
How to Pill/Medicate Your Dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P6NfbxeLX0 Another good Idexx video.
Giardia What It Is and What To Do https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/giardia/prevention-control-pets.html
Parasites Internal and External Including Coccidia and Fleas http://www.petsandparasites.org/ This site covers many parasite explanations, control tips, and prevention for both dogs and cats in an easy to understand format. Note-For flea infestations of the home we recommend (in addition to Trifexis, Comfortis, Advantage Multi, etc.) vacuuming and taking the bag to the outside trash each day.
FDA Recall List https://www.fda.gov/animalveterinary/safetyhealth/recallswithdrawals/default.htm animal food & medical products